If you're not doing even one of these things, it might be time to ask yourself why?
Welcome to the Walk You Through It Blog where I, Rob Stanish, take you on a journey of my struggles, past and present, and walk you through overcoming them! Photo by Brandon Enouf, IG: @goodenouf
"Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life." —Omar Khayyam
Rule 1: Think, speak, and act what you want.
Energy flows where attention goes so direct your energy towards the things that you want in life. When you're thoughts, words, and actions are all aligned towards what you want to create in your life then that's what you'll bring about. In order for you to bring forth the things you desire, you'll need to grow and that process will bring about happiness. Focus on what's important to you and you'll be much happier than if you focus on things you don't want.
Rule 2: Be present.
Happiness and joy live in the present moment. All that ever really exists is right now. The worries of the future and the pain from the past don't have power of you in the now. It's when you visit these things that they can affect you so become grounded in this very moment and feel the joy of presence.
Rule 3: Be grateful for what you already have.
When you're grateful for what you have life feels so much better. Feeling gratitude can be a huge mood booster! Be thankful for the good things in life, big and small. Begin seeking things to be grateful for because when you look for the good things in life, that's what you'll start seeing. So be grateful, be happy.
Rule 4: Stand up straight, smile, and look up.
It's proven that your physiology affects your mood so try this out:
STEP 1 - Stand up straight, put your hands on your hips with your shoulders back.
STEP 2 - Look up at the sky, ceiling, whatever is above you.
STEP 3 - SMILE! And I mean really smile, teeth and all.
STEP 4 - Realize that someone is looking at you like you're a lunatic.
But guess what? I guarantee that changed your mood. You definitely feel better than you did before.
We are hardwired for feel positive emotions when we carry ourselves in the ways that I just described. It's important that you use your body to your advantage. You might not want to do everything you just did but remember to carry yourself well and smile.
Rule 5: Challenge yourself.
Do hard things. Challenge yourself. Grow. Become more than you already are. Push your limits. Discover what your limits actually are. Become more of who you were meant to be. Make your existence worthwhile.
Rather than seek immediate pleasures, delay them. Seek to do things that are challenging in the moment but will make you feel better about yourself once you've accomplished them. It's time for you to be happy with who you are and that may mean you need to become someone who you're proud of.
If you're looking for more...
If you aren't happy with your life and you are struggling with something I talked about here then scroll to the bottom of this page to where it says "REACH OUT TO COACH STANISH" and fill out that form, leave your phone number and I'll give you a call. Together, we can figure out the best way forward.
Thanks for reading and I'll catch you next Sunday!