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Writer's pictureRobert Stanish

Happiness isn't the answer.

Happiness is fleeting, seek this instead...

Welcome to the Walk You Through It Blog where I, Rob Stanish, walk you through overcoming the challenges that arise in everyday life.

“If there's no challenge in your life, then there's no enjoyment in your life.” ― David Tian Ph.D

Happiness vs Joy

I would like to start here because I believe it is important.

Happiness is an emotion. It is the result of something happening. It is caused by things outside of us. Happiness comes from pleasure. It comes and goes. Happiness is temporary. Happiness is superficial.

Joy on the other hand isn't an emotion. Joy is a state of being. Joy comes from within. Joy isn't the result of something happening to us. Joy is something we create inside of ourselves. Joy is deeper than happiness.

Seek fulfillment, create joy

If you were constantly seeking happiness, you would never feel fulfilled in life and never truly experience joy. Fulfillment comes from delaying instant gratification and forgoing pleasure in the short term. It's about having an aim, working hard, and making progress towards that aim. There's going to be days where you don't feel like doing the work and your not going to be happy about showing up but here is the thing: When you show up anyways and put in the work you are going to feel pretty damn good about yourself afterwards.

How to create a fulfilling life

Have an aim. You want to have a direction in life. You want to aim at a target that will not only benefit you, but those around you. When we seek for happiness, our focus is on "me, me, me!" It's about "What's going to make me happy?" And that type of focus will always leave you feeling worse than when you started. People who are depressed are usually inwardly focused like this. That should be a hint.

Do something worthwhile. Shift your focus towards something that will benefit you and your community. Do something with your life that will make you feel proud of who you are and how you're showing up in the world. Have an aim that will require you to become more than you are right now.

Stretch yourself. Aim at the highest possible good that you can conceive. Yes, you will fall short of that but you'll still be a heck of a lot better off than aiming at something much lower. You'll never know what you're truly capable of unless you push your limits. So challenge yourself and grow.

Build meaningful relationships. This is not only important for having a fulfilling life but also for your health. Surround yourself with people who want the best for you and that will help you grow. You want people in your life that will build you up, rather than tear you down.

If you need help, I am here.

My name is Robert Stanish. I am a certified life coach. I specialize in mindset and personal growth. I've been here before and I can help you through this. Text me at 484 - 877 - 0817. Thanks for reading and I'll catch you next Sunday!

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