My girlfriend and I started Marissa Peer’s 21-day abundance challenge and on the second day we learned about something so powerful… the feeling of being worthy. Three little words that will unlock that feeling if you allow them to: I am enough.
This isn’t my first experience with personal development but for my girlfriend, it is. I’m excited and curious as to the outcome of this challenge for the both of us. Personal growth is one of my highest values. I love it so much that two years ago I set out on the path of becoming a life coach. At that time, I was new on the personal development scene and I was hooked (Two years later and you could probably say I’m obsessed, and you wouldn’t be wrong.) I loved sharing what I was learning to anyone who would listen.
One friend in particular would enjoy hearing about what I was learning and that’s how this all began.
He and I and another friend of ours went to the park to shoot some basketball and that’s when we ran into another group of guys doing the same. As we introduced ourselves, I introduced myself as my friend’s “life coach”. I was joking at the time, but the seed was planted. It didn’t take long until I seriously began considering the possibility of becoming a coach. I started looking into what it took to become a life coach and that’s how I met my coach, Becka Drake. It took about a year until I became a certified life coach, created my first 12-week program, and had my first paying client. I am now in the process of developing an online course to help people create a morning routine.
I’m still early into my career as a coach and I realized yesterday that I am still struggling with knowing that I am enough. I am constantly learning more, working towards more certifications, and afraid to put myself out there for fear that I’ll fail a client even though my experience has shown that I have successfully coached the handful of clients that I’ve had.
So this brings me back to where I am today. I’m writing this for me but I’m sharing it with you: I am enough. And you are too! We need to reinforce this belief with action and this is one of my actions. This is my first blog post and I understand it’s not perfect but it is ENOUGH.
My challenge to you is to remind yourself that you are enough and then follow it up with an action that reinforces that belief. For my girlfriend and I, we wrote on our white board and every mirror in the house “I AM ENOUGH!” so we would be reminded throughout the day. When I woke up this morning and saw that, it inspired me to write this.
Thanks for reading this! #iamenough