Clean up your room, clean up your life.
Welcome to the Walk You Through It Blog where I, Rob Stanish, walk you through overcoming the struggles and challenges that arise in everyday life.
"If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed." -Admiral William H. McRaven
A morning routine is a force to be reckoned with. The first part of my morning routine is making my bed. I'm going to break down why this is not only a key element of a morning routine but also a must-do for your life.
I know what you're thinking...
You're thinking that making the bed is trivial and it doesn't matter. You may be asking questions such as: What does making my bed have to do with changing my life? Or the world for that matter? And how will something so small make a difference?
Small things add up.
Let's look at your life. What makes up your life? It is the small things, repeated daily that make up the course of your life. Let's look at a single day in your life. Maybe there's 500 little things that make up the course of your day. 500 actions. 500 habits. 500 choices. Most of these actions don't change. They are same today, as they were yesterday, and most likely the same as they'll be tomorrow.
Yes, there are going to be some actions that aren't the same. And yes, some of these actions will be choices. But most of these actions will be habits, acted out subconsciously. Waking up in the morning and leaving your bed unmade is a choice. It's an action that affects you whether you know it or not. It's a choice to not clean up your room. It's a choice to leave your life a mess.
Make a new choice.
Deciding to make your bed is about more than making your bed. It's about deciding to get your house in order. If you want to change your life, start by making a new choice. Change comes from making new decisions, by carrying out new actions, and by forming new habits.
Each day is a new day. A new day means new choices. New choices lead to a new you. And a new you will result in a new life.
The simple act of making your bed first thing in the morning starts your day off right. It will give you a sense of accomplishing something and fill you with a sense pride which will bleed into the rest of your day. This is the start of building positive momentum in your life.
Your room is you.
Think of your room as an externalization of what's going on inside of you. If you're internal world is messy then what you'll find is your bedroom reflects that. If you start to clean up your room then in a sense you've begun to clean up your life. You are telling yourself that you'd like some order amongst the chaos that you've allowed to consume your life.
It starts by making your bed. That is the first step to getting your life in order. That's the first of those 500 actions. Next maybe it's your dresser. Then your closet. And before you know it, your room is clean. After that, maybe your house. Maybe your relationships follow that. And before you know it, it's your world that's in order.
"Your room is an externalization of your mind to the degree that when you're in your room, the room is you." - Jordan B. Peterson
I want to thank you for joining me this week. I hope you found value in what I've written and if you have please share this with someone you know that would benefit from reading this. As always you can reach me at the bottom of this page. If you'd like some help getting your life in order, shoot me a text: 484 877 0817
Thanks and I'll catch you next Sunday!