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Writer's pictureRobert Stanish

New day, new you.

Each day is a new day. It's an opportunity, a chance, to change and become more than you were the day before.

This is the Walk You Through It Blog where I take you with me on a journey through things I've struggled with and together we walk through how to overcome them and move forward.

“Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.” ― Douglas Pagels


Thoughts in the AM

Good morning. What are you thinking about? What were your first thoughts when you woke up? Your thoughts in the morning will often dictate the type of day you will have. Did you wake up today worried about the things you need to get done, emails you need to check, or people you need to call? How does that make you feel? Anxious, worried, on edge? Cool, that's what kind of day you'll have.

Or maybe this is you. Did you wake up and start replaying something that happened yesterday? The day before that? Maybe it was something that happened a week ago. Oh, it was last month? Maybe you screwed something up. Maybe someone else messed up or betrayed you. You woke up this morning and the first thing you thought about was what happened and it brought to back to that state you've been in lately. If so, how does that make you feel? Sad, upset, miserable? Awesome, that's what kind of day you'll have.

Or are you the checker? You woke up and as soon as you opened your eyes you grabbed your phone. Texts, emails, social media. That's a great way to allow someone else to dictate how your day is going to be.

What if I told you that it doesn't need to be like this anymore? Yes, there's another way.

Recognizing your thoughts

It is estimated that we have around 60,000 thoughts each day. A new study from Queens University in Kingston, Ontario says that the average person has 6,200 "thought worms" each day. They describe thought worms as "consisting of consecutive moments when a person is focused on the same idea." How many thoughts occur while focusing on the same idea? It's hard to tell so let's just go with you have way too many thoughts to monitor them all throughout the day.

It's hard to recognize what you're thinking about while you're thinking it at times. So how do we recognize our thoughts? It starts by making a conscious effort to pay attention to how your feeling. Once you realize you're upset, worried, stressed, or anxious then you can ask "What am I thinking that's making me feel like this?" This is how we recognize our thoughts. This is your habit-loop trigger.

Directing your thoughts

Now that you've recognized your poor pattern of thinking in the morning it's time for a habit-loop. A habit loop is what we're going to use to redirect your thoughts. Every time you wake up and notice that your feeling bad, it's time to redirect your focus and your thoughts.

Become very present. The issue is that you're either starting your day in the future, in the past, or in someone else's life. Become present in your own life. Recognize that it's a new day and you have the ability to make new choices. Don't grab the phone first thing in the morning. Pay attention to things you usually ignore. Feel the sunshine coming through the window on your skin. Hear the birds chirping outside. Listen to your child as they tell you something important to them. Be present with your spouse.

Become very grateful. Feel the beat of your heart in your chest. Recognize that it's a gift. You live as long as your heart beats. Feel gratitude for a new day. Feel grateful to be alive and for the things in your life. Maybe you don't have everything you want but maybe you could focus on what you do have right now.


For the next thirty days, I want you to practice waking up and noticing where your thoughts go. If they go to a place that causes stress, anxiety, worry, fear, sadness, or guilt then become present and gently redirect those thoughts.

At first, it won't be easy and there may be a day or two that you'll slip back into the old way of waking up, just recognize it and shift into the present moment. As you near day thirty, it will become part of you and you'll thank yourself for waking up with intention. How you start your morning translates into how you live your life.

Thanks so much for readinG! New blog posts are released at 5:55 am on sunday and new episodes of the walk you through it podcast are released monday and friday at 6 am est.

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