To get beyond ourselves, we must see things differently.
Welcome to the Walk You Through It Blog where I, Rob Stanish, take you on a journey of my struggles, past and present, and walk you through overcoming them!
See that poem up there? That's my perspective of the earth's perspective.
People often look at a coach as a cheerleader of sorts. You know? Someone that cheers you on and says you can do it! While it's true that part of my role as a coach is being supportive of my client and believing in their potential even when they find it difficult to do so themselves, it is not my only role. One of the most powerful role's a coach plays is that of someone offering a different perspective. And a good coach not only offers a different perspective but also enables the client to see alternate perspectives.
Perspective is everything.
It could even be said that perspective of reality is more real than reality itself.
So why does this matter? Because if you're only looking at things through one perspective then chances are that you're missing valuable information that could aid in making your life better. There's a million ways to interpret a situation. Right now, for example, you are reading this and maybe twenty other people will read this post as well. What are the chances that you are going to interpret this message exactly the same as the other 20 people? I don't know an exact number but I bet the odds of you interpreting this the same as even one of those twenty people are very low.
People are different, they've lived different lives, experienced different things and so they are going to see things through a different lens. When we experience something, we are the ones that determine what that experience means. For example, let's say you are in a relationship and you girlfriend cheats on you and you find out. What happens is determined by the meaning that you give to that experience. You could leave her and decide the meaning of what happened is that all women can't be trusted. Or you could leave her and decide that it just means that she cant be trusted. Or you could forgive her and give her another chance because you've decided that it meant she made a mistake and deserves a chance to prove herself. And it could go on and on with the meanings and severity of meanings.
There are things that have happened to us in the past that affect how we are interpreting the present. And chances are you have created meanings that aren't that beneficial to your development as a person. If that's the case, then what are you going to do about? Look at your perspective. Try to challenge that perspective. Try to understand why you have that perspective. Get outside yourself. Change your perspective. Hire a coach. Do whatever you can to see things in a different light.
Thanks for reading! See you next Sunday!